Thursday, March 17, 2011

Blog about Twitter

How does a Twitter discussion compare to a BlackBoard Discussion? To an in-class discussion?

This was my first time using Twitter for a class discussion. It was also my first experience using Twitter. The assigned articles made me more curious about this type of media.It is certainly different using Twitter to have a discussion versus having the class discussion on Blackboard, which can be compared to an online forum and is more organized. On Blackboard you can keep a clear record of who wrote what in response to what in particular. You also have a lot more characters which enable for more complete expression of ideas. Twitter limits you to 140 characters, and the result is one separate thought, as opposed to a logical sequence with an intro an conclusion. Also, if everyone is tweeting at the same time, it can become difficult to keep track of the direction of the discussion. This is one of the differences between Twitter and a classroom discussion, since in class everyone speaks one at a time, making it easier to follow through on any particular concept. Also, Twitter generates small separate discussions  within discussions. Normally we would simply have not time to voice each and every thought that comes to mind in a classroom. Twitter allows us to do this, and this is a positive aspect of the use. 

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